Saturday, 2 April 2011

Observations from a New Mum

In a recent conversation with an old friend, I was asked what I would do if I had a moment to myself for some fun. What would I do for fun? What IS fun these days? And I became very aware very suddenly that the idea of fun and of what I consider "fun" to have completely changed.
The answer I gave at the time was that if I knew Bradley was in capable hands for a day or two, I'd go skiing for a day, have some drinks apres-ski (not enough to get drunk, but just enough to make merry and go to bed), get up the next day to ski, and then head home. If he was referring to something a bit more exotic and longer in duration, I'd go with Drew and Bradley to an all-inclusive in Mexico or Jamaica or pretty much ANYWHERE else in the Caribbean and just relax and be WARM for a week.
Alack and alas, my ideas of fun have changed...but I have to say, I don't regret it for one second! The idea now of going to the bar and having drinks til my head spins, and then stumbling home really doesn't appeal. For one, what's the point? Two; I'm on mat leave...who wants to spend that kind of money on something that only lasts a couple of hours and makes you feel like garbage the next day? Three; who wants to feel like garbage the next day when it seems that every precious second of Bradley's life, he's growing like crazy? I don't want to miss a thing, as Aerosmith would attest (although I don't know if he was really singing in regards to his babe in the same way I am).
When I really stop to think about it (and being a breastfeeding mum, there is a LOT of time for sitting and thinking), there are a few things I've learned during these short two months since joining the ranks of motherhood:
        1. Breastfeeding babies don't poo much. After getting over the initial panic and resulting aftershocks (see The Poo Fiasco), this is actually a very pleasant perk of breastfeeding a baby: I don't have to change many poopy diapers! Now, I know that will change once he starts eating solid foods, but for the next few months, this is going to be pretty easy...
        2. Babies fart like frat boys. Especially after eating. And if you're anywhere in public, particularly a QUIET public place, be aware that you just may become the centre of attention, and NOT in a good way. Oh, and the farts sound like adult ones, so trying to blame the baby doesn't convince a lot of people, unless they, too, have experienced their own baby farting in a public (and inconvenient) place.
        3. Making baby's hand/footprints is like trying to ride a raging bull at the rodeo. I think that should provide enough of a mental picture for roll on number 4...
Hand- and footprints well worth it...I think!
        4. Acrylic paint gets in places you'd never imagine when trying to hand/footprint a baby, and then doesn't come out of clothing very well (or off surfaces, either on body or otherwise). 'Nuff said once again.
        5. Babies don't die when they sleep on their tummies. I've mentioned it in captions to photos and comments on status updates, but let us be clear: Bradley sleeps on his tummy, MUCH better than he slept on his back, and when I quietly but defensively mentioned this to my doctor this past week, I didn't get reprimanded at all...not even a slap on the wrist! So if doctors and nurses KNOW that babies sleep best on their tummies, why the hell do they keep writing books saying not to? I think it's a conspiracy for making an entire generation of flat-headed babies, and sleep-deprived zombie-mommies. Don't ask me how either would benefit the medical profession, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
        6. Exercising like a maniac does NOT get rid of baby pudge in a week. In fact, those 12 pounds of baby weight I started my après-baby journey with are still hanging out. On a positive note, doing daily exercise for the past week and a half has improved my cardio, and my muscles are starting to remember their existence - YAY! - but the hardening muscles (I use this term loosely) are actually pushing the pudge further outward on my body, making me look FATTER than when I started! Now, I know this is all part of the process, and has NOTHING to do with the fact that I refuse to give up my Cadbury Mini-Eggs entirely, but it's still rather disheartening, especially when other new mommies are already fitting back into pre-baby clothes and I'm still stuck wearing maternity wear. I'm not fishing for compliments and I am realistic SOMEWHERE inside my head, so I will keep plugging away and suck it up, knowing (hoping?) that someday in the not-too-distant future, the belly pudge will slowly but surely make its way out. Oh and it can take its friend Muffin Top with it.
Above all, I've learned that the most fun I've ever had in my life is watching with fascination as Bradley begins to discover the things around him. Seeing him learn how he can grasp something made me smile; listening to him coo and squeak with contentment brings me the most ridiculous joy; watching him as he stares at hanging toys for a few minutes at a time, memorizing their shape and returning his gaze to the ones he found most fascinating just gives me a sense of wonder for how babies learn things about their environment. It's like this whole baby adventure was sent to teach ME to slow down and appreciate each and every small discovery Bradley makes as my own.
What an amazing year this is going to be...filled with fun I never knew I could have. Sorry to get sappy on you all, but it's the way it is. I blame the hormones.

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